Personal/Professional Development

Social Media: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

A heart-wrenching personal story that Dawn recreates and shares with you: her tale of cyberstalking and cyberharassment!  A must hear for men and women ~ learn what you can do to protect yourself and your reputation!

How To Become A Better Communicator

This seminar will teach you the most valuable skill of all – how to communicate effectively with
people. You will gain powerful communication skills like these…

  • How you can increase the levels of collaboration and mutual support among team
    members, co-workers and managers;
  • How to express your ideas in ways that gain the attention, support and respect of others;
  • How to quickly “fit in” with any group of people;
  • How to make an unforgettable, positive first impression on anyone;
  • How to minimize conflict and reduce friction on the job and in personal life.

Sales Training & Networking Courses

From beginner to advanced – all are custom designed to client specification and can range from 1-2 hours for a seminar &  3-6 hours for a workshop.  Learn basic principles of sales to more advanced principles that can help any individual.  Networking courses offer additional training on how to network, where to network and when to network.  A must hear for all professionals.

How To Excel At Managing And Supervising People

This seminar is geared towards individuals identifying first how they are viewed by others and how they view themselves. Understanding their own style and behavioral traits and then being able to apply that insight to how they communicate with others. Some highlights that will be discussed:

  • How to influence people to do what you want;
  • Ways to inspire, guide and lead;
  • Ways to discourage employees\Communicate traits that people will admire;
  • Recruit the right people to avoid the issues later.

How To Deal With Difficult People

Why are people difficult – do they wake up and decide to be that way for the day or are they just born that way? Find out the traits that will help you to understand your differences, from culture to gender, personality to generation and more. Learn some tricks that will help you professionally and personally.

Attitude Adjustment – Personal Reality Check – Help Yourself Grow

Why do people react to us in a certain way? Isn’t it funny how different people at different times in our lives have said the same thing about us and our personalities? Do a reality check – are we getting the results we desire? What we can do to get the outcomes and results that we are looking for. Learn about others and their attitudes so that we can influence positively and help ourselves grow. Other issues that will be discussed: anger management, expressing emotions and dealing with negativity.

Security Breaches & Your Business

Business owners are facing a legal storm on the horizon. With new federal laws in place regarding business owners’ responsibilities in the event of a security breach, this target market needs help preparing for and preventing such a crisis. The primary focus of the ADRS is to address four distinct areas business owners must deal with regarding identity theft and security breaches: the risk, the need for action, their liability, and the solutions available.

Identity Theft: America’s Fastest Growing Crime

This seminar – geared to individuals or employees of any business – identifies how you can become a victim of identity theft.  Helping to understand that identity theft is not just about credit cards anymore!  Employers like this seminar because it helps employees to understand how they, themselves, can become a victim of identity theft.  If the employees are more aware and know how to protect themselves, they may be more careful with the non-public information of the business, the clients, vendors and others.